Beginners Guide to Compulsory Acquisition (Part Two)

  Compulsory Acquisition Hearings: There is a long standing practice of conducting conferences between valuers (Valuers Conference) initially if there is a dispute where the valuers for opposing parties meet at an early stage in the process to discuss their opinions and the evidence upon which those opinions are based. Valuers will often arrive at an opinion of value based on a particular piece of sales evidence which may have escaped the attention of an opposing valuer. The valuers’ conferences … Continued

The Conservo Story; My Road to the Victorian Bar.

  I operated Conservo from 2005-2009; a sustainability consulting company. After working in IT in San Francisco in the late 1990s and into the early 2000s I returned to complete a law degree and start Conservo. I loved working in IT and in California however I found IT ultimately did not meet my hopes of a career nor feed my environmental interests and passion. I wanted to spend my time making an environmental difference as I had in my mid … Continued