Daniel Epstein principally practices in the VCAT Jurisdiction in the areas of administrative and civil law. Specialising in planning and environment law, building and construction law, compulsory acquisition law, leasing law, owners corporation law, Australian consumer law.

Daniel appears at VCAT, Magistrate Court of Victoria, County Court of Victoria, Supreme Court of Victoria, Federal Court of Australia, Victorian Planning Panels, Building Appeals Board Of Victoria, Building Practitioners’ Board, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Small Business Commissioner, Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation and other relevant planning, building and consumer law tribunals and commercial arbitrations.

Daniel’s experience includes preparing complex litigation and merits advice, pleadings, affidavits, submissions, appearing in disciplinary proceedings, mediations, interlocutory applications, compulsory conferences, final hearings and appeals. Appearing in building and civil litigation matters and in planning matters for both applicants, objectors, local council’s and government authorities in judicial and merits review hearings.

Daniel is a sessional lecturer in trial practice and advocacy at Monash University and an accredited advocacy instructor. He is a guest lecturing in building, construction and planning and often acts on a pro bono basis for the consumer action law centre and other watchdog organisations.

Daniel is a member of the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (VPELA) and Building Dispute Practitioners’ Society (BDPS).

Daniel came to the Bar from the energy resources area and computer industry of both Australia and the USA where he was involved as legal in house counsel, public speaking, management and sustainable energy policy.

Daniel holds a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in political science.

“We must never lose sight of the people behind the litigation. It is their dispute not yours nor mine and they have to live with the outcome and consequences.”

Contact me to discuss your needs